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"GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME," and he has once again stepped in and granted us yet another blessing. It has been our goal to open a place to provide housing to new released inmates that are in the need for support, love and the basic tools that are needed to re-enter society with confidence and hope. "Success Within Our Society" will be our motto, Christ will be our guide and forgiveness, love and understanding will be our methods. The new home is located at 411 Barth S.E in Grand Rapids MI. We are now looking to incorporate help from people willing to provide jobs, counseling for the inmates as well as the families of the inmates. We are also looking for help in providing clothing that will help the inmates as they go with confidence on job interview's. Being incarcerate is a completely different way of living and it will take much support in order for the inmate to become a productive entity within their community. Because we are a non-profit organization we will need many donations to help with the house makeover. We are not just asking for monetary gifts but we are also looking for donations from construction company's, furniture stores, carpet stores, food pantries and anyone else who can help us provide all the amities to create a comfortable place to call home for the temporary stay. We also will need as many volunteers to help within the house as possible. We are looking for educators that will encourage the inmates to get their diploma and provide all the options they will need to go on to further their education if desired. This will be very hard work but work that will not only be beneficial to the inmate but society as well. These inmates are not bad people they have just made bad decisions but with God's forgiveness, the support of their love ones and the help of Reconciliation Of Life, providing the necessary tools we can put them on the right path to succeed. | Return Home | Her Story Our Services | Volunteers /Donations | New Housing | Great Links | Contact Us | Events /Calendar | Donate On Line | |